AWS Serverless Framework Ruby workshop (conducted May 29th, 2021) - Summary
On 29 May, I've organized a workshop about the Serverless approach using Ruby language, with the Serverless Framework. The workshop was attended by 6 people, with different backgrounds in both Ruby language and AWS cloud computing.

Most of the participants were beginners in terms of Ruby, but had some experience with AWS.
General content
The objectives of the workshop were:
- understanding the idea of Serverless with AWS.
- creating a serverless application from scratch.
- getting familiar with the Severless Framework.
- trying Ruby language.
- getting familiar with basic serverless services such as AWS Lambda, AWS API Gateway, AWS DynamoDB.
- checking logs with AWS Cloudwatch.
During several hours of workshops we managed to create a serverless application, used to place pizza orders, and to view all orders.
The code repository can be found here, along with an introductory presentation on the topic. After the branches you can see how the application was developed.
A presentation was given at the beginning of the workshop (link here). It contained information about the concept of Serverless, in comparison to other existing solutions, as well as some information about Ruby language, AWS cloud computing. Most time was devoted to Serverless Framework, and AWS Lambda with Ruby runtime.
Then we started working on developing the application. There were smaller and larger errors, but thanks to the different experience of the participants, we managed to solve them on the fly.
The workshop was most successful. All participants were satisfied with the newly acquired knowledge, and were open to the next part of the workshop, this time with more advanced topics such as working with events, validations, testing serverless, and working with other AWS services, as well as various plugins Serverless Framework.